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Come and enjoy Messy Church with us. A wonderful introduction to the Anglican traditions and stories for children and their parents. Crafts, stories, small church service and congregational meal afterward. Every fourth Saturday: 4pm beginning in the church hall.  
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes ... this coming Saturday, February 24th. We're thinking about the seasons of the church year, and our Epiphany season has ended, and now we're in a new season called "lent" - an ancient word meaning "Spring".
As we jump into lent however, we start with a "BANG" and celebrate and dance to Mardi Gras music (Free Tuesday) and then go from a party theme into the desert. What a switch! 
We recall that Jesus went from his Baptism party at the Jordan River and then went into the desert where he was tempted to give up his love for God ... but Jesus never wavered. And we're called to stay firm too - knowing that God's love is with us always, even when the world around us seems bleak. 
Come and join us to celebrate, dance, play and pray together. The fellows of the "10 am Sunday service" will be making pancakes and sausages for our dinner together (with vegetarian sausages and vegetables on the side...)
Come and bring a friend. See you on Saturday.