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After having preached a sermon about Jesus and the "crowds", there was a little crowd of 15 who gathered in the hall following the 11:30am Wednsday Eucharist. We decided to meet for soup and a scone on November 7th rather than gathering at Bailey's for lunch. Susan made her famous "Soda Bread" and we ate and chatted till we had our fill... then gathered up the leftovers, almost 12 baskets full. 

We're thinking of having another soup lunch in the hall on Wednesday, December 5th following the Eucharist at 11:30. Please come and join us. An added feature will be a presentation called "Anglicanism for Anglicans" or "Anglican 101"? 

The following two Wednesday's will be a brown bag lunch and two final presentations about "Anglicanism". Come one, come all!